Auction Donations

The Silent and Live Auctions are one of the highlights of the week for the many attendees of the Specialty. Various art projects by the many talented SCA Members, books, memorabilia, figurines, clothing, decorations, photographs of Samoyeds from years past, etc. all make for wonderful collectors’ items for those wanting to add to their collections.

The proceeds from the auctions help to make SCA2022 a success and make SCA’s support of worthwhile causes possible.

We need many great donations for a successful auction event. Now is the time start looking for those special items that you would like to contribute to the Auction. Making another member’s
purchase a new treasure.

Send items to:
SCA2022 c/o Laura Bush
3419 High St
Sacramento, CA 95838

Whether shipping your items, or bringing your donations to the Specialty, please include the following information, or utilize the form below for each item you are donating. The information will be helpful to have Auction Sheets pre-made!

Item Description: (Including: special care instructions, history of items, approx. value)
Picture of Item (if not shipping item)

Now is the time to start looking for your special treasures to donate for someone else to enjoy,
and to support the worthy causes of SCA!

For additional questions, please contact Felicia Bullock at

Auction Donation Form
Example: Special care instructions, history of items, approx. value
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